Homeloans is doing some research on Christmas spending habits. To help
us do this, we have constructed a brief survey that will help us gain an
insight into whether people will be changing their Christmas present
spending habits this year - and if so, why. By completing the short,
seven-question survey, you could be in the running for a $100 Christmas Wish gift card.
Answering the following questions should only take a few minutes of your
time. To begin the survey, please click on the link below.
And don’t forget you’ll be in the running for a $100 Christmas Wish gift
card! If you’re the winner, with one simple swipe you could buy
electronics, appliances, homewares, stationery, toys, groceries, petrol,
liquor or cosmetics – to name but a few.
Please be assured that all the information you provide is confidential,
results will be aggregated and no individual will be identified in any
*Conditions Apply