Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Property prices still posing barrier

Despite a decline in value of property in many parts of the country, high prices are still the biggest barrier to home ownership, according to the latest Homeloans research. 49% of 2000 respondents rated high property prices as the number one barrier to owning a home.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What will the floods and Yasi mean for the economy?

We watched in disbelief as the devastation of the recent floods and cyclone Yasi was broadcast around the world. But what does it mean for the local and larger economies?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Member Benefits story

Sharon from WA just told us she saved over $25 on a night’s accommodation for her upcoming trip to India, using the Homeloans customer benefits partner, HotelClub.
Enjoy your trip Sharon!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) decision for February 2011

At its meeting today, the Board of the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) decided to leave the cash rate unchanged.